For a long time, Laila Shawa had explored the relationship between (particularly women’s) bodies and the land. However, watching the Desert Storm bombing of Baghdad while undergoing breast cancer treatment made the parallels clearer.
Gaza Sky II, 2012
Birds of Paradise, 2012
When you’re a Palestinian you can’t escape from dealing with the issue of occupation. I did lots of things in between but I always go back.
Laila ShawaA painter by training, Laila adopted various mediums over her career – from sculpture and found objects to photography and moving image. Her art deals with difficult topics like terrorism, ethnic cleansing, war, and the forced veil with deft honesty. The themes are juxtaposed with the visual language of pop art with bold colours, comic book typography and rhinestone embellishments.
The Hands of Fatima, 2013
Fashionista Terrorista, 2010
Laila was a passionate advocate for the arts in Gaza throughout her career and until her death in 2022. After graduating from art school in the 60s, she supervised art classes in UNRWA refugee camps. In 1992 she opened the Rashad al-Shawa Cultural Centre – a beloved hub for the arts in Gaza. The building was destroyed in 2023 by Israeli bombing, but Laila’s mark on Palestinian art will live forever.
Walls of Gaza, 1994