silkscreen print by Anish Kapoor

Out of the Dark

€ 1.360

  • on-angle detail of a silkscreen print by Anish Kapoor
silkscreen print by Anish Kapoor

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Behind the scenes

  • print by Anish Kapoor laid flat on a printshop workbench
  • printmaker inspecting a print by Anish Kapoor with a magnifying loupe
  • silkscreen print by Anish Kapoor on a display stand in the Make-Ready studio

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Reviews from Avant collectors

  • Overall extremely impressed with Avant Arte, especialy with the shipping/packaging and materials included with the print. Definitely care and attention to detail not typicaly associated with art of this price-level. Thank you

  • love it! beautiful sturdy wooden box and gloves supplied to handle and protect the artwork.

  • great experience

  • Overall very good communication the work itself is great quality!

  • Everything was great. Thanks!

  • You did a great job with the framing and the packing/shipping. I buy a lot of prints from different vendors and was very impressed.

  • What a breathtakingly beautiful art print! What a great service!

  • AA always produces an amazing quality product; packaging and framing are always top notch as well!