In Japanese folklore, two wolves – one black, one white – guided Prince Yamato Takeru as he embarked on a series of trials. According to legend, Buddhist monk Kukai was guided by a pair of Yamainu – one black, one white – to Mount Koya, where he built his temple. The site is now a focal point for Shingon Buddhism. Both tales inspired Miwa’ to create the edition.
Yamainu-sama look back again and again, showing me the way, but only my footprints remain in the snow.
Miwa KomatsuThe black Yamainu represents ‘A’ – the beginning of the Japanese alphabet. Its white counterpart represents ‘Un’ – the end. These contrasting sounds are evoked by their open and closed mouths, respectively. 'A-un' (阿吽) is a phonetic transcription of a Sanskrit word meaning 'the beginning and end of all things.'
The Yamainu watch calmly over humanity, seeking to eliminate evil in the world.
Miwa Komatsu