artist wearing black jacket with his hands clutching a pink mask which covers his face

Paul Insect

This & That

Paul Insect, or PINS, has been a regular Avant artist for over six years. This summer we're working together again on a pair of limited edition silkscreen prints and a pop-up installation in East London.

This & That will take place in an East London junk shop that Paul has been visiting for more than a decade. The installation brings things full circle, in lineage with Paul's epic contribution to Beyond The Streets – placing artworks, automatons and other curiosities from his studio amongst the chaos of a working shop.

11 July · 18:00-21:00
12-14 July · 11:00-17:00

Visitors will have the chance to buy unique items on the spot, or enter the draw for a pair of limited edition silkscreen prints.

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