Glaring Shade

Glaring Shade

€ 10.000

Glaring Shade

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Reviews from Avant collectors

  • Love my new Snowfro piece and all the little extras that came with it! The tote bag in particular is immaculate 🤌

  • The Avant Arte team is all around top notch. Excellent communication and everything is always packaged so thoughtfully. A+

  • much better than rxpected. the print is high quality and the packaging professional

  • Great service overall, makes an easy process for buying and shipping art which is typically difficult and expensive.

  • really a masterpiece to add in my collection!Thanks a lot🙏🏻❤️

  • It was all beautiful 10/10 🤍

  • Everything was perfect !!

  • i loved the details of the note and gloves. well done!