Jenny Brosinski - Untitled 10

Untitled 10

€ 1.150

Jenny Brosinski - Untitled 10

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Reviews from Avant collectors

  • Great service overall, makes an easy process for buying and shipping art which is typically difficult and expensive.

  • artwork is simply exquisite and Avant Arte’s customer service was exceptional as always. Thank you!

  • The print itself is of the highest quality and above expectations. The packaging also is of the highest level.

  • The unboxing was wonderful! Great work! This was a total experience!

  • Fantastic packaging and very good service so Happy.

  • very happy with the artwork and service from Avante arte

  • I am impressed how piece be packed and delivered. Thank you.

  • simply one of the most well produced prints i have ever purchased. its absolutely beyond what i was expecting. so beautiful!!!