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Night in Paris - Golden Light

€ 750

Night in Paris Thumbail

Behind the scenes

  • Laminate sheets used to make print
  • Night in Paris on press
  • Lining up acetate for print
  • Gold leaf being applied to print

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Reviews from Avant collectors

  • I absolutely love the textured details. The picture literally pops off the canvas and the floating frame encompasses those details perfectly. Amazing job by Jake Fried and the Avant Arte team! I'm excited for my next purchase.

  • The packaging was great. Thank you for including the gloves.

  • this piece is legendary. So so happy with this purchase. Finally, my own Decendent sculpture!

  • incredible super premium packaging! the unboxing experience was wow! the piece is gorgeous, looking forward to hang it

  • AA always produces an amazing quality product; packaging and framing are always top notch as well!

  • Overall very good communication the work itself is great quality!

  • Great packaging and superb frame! nice piece

  • Once again amazing quality print from avant arte. Can't fault you! Looking forward to future drops.