Jenny Brosinski - Untitled 4

Untitled 4

€ 1.150

Jenny Brosinski - Untitled 4

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Reviews from Avant collectors

  • the print is amazing. cant wait to frame and hang.

  • Everything was great. Thanks!

  • Not only the artwork, but also the unboxing was was a highlight itself - thank you for your perfect service!

  • You are the best in the business and the nicest people to do business with. Thank you!!

  • Wonderful work and very good quality production I hope to find a new work soon of him or of a artist that I like

  • The artwork is amazing, the quality of the printing is sublime, I am totally amazed, Thank you

  • incredible super premium packaging! the unboxing experience was wow! the piece is gorgeous, looking forward to hang it

  • we appreciate the care taken in transport. Our piece was unframed but we appreciated how the packaging was done to protect it and also extras like the information on the art and the tote bag. We love the art work.