a symmetrical sculpted amphora with two chubby handles and a large upper opening

Safety Amphora

€ 3.500
a symmetrical sculpted amphora with two chubby handles and a large upper opening

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Reviews from Avant collectors

  • Beautiful piece! Love it so much

  • Beautifully printed piece. Nice touch on the bag and gloves. Thank you for your efficiency and timely updates.

  • Great service and communication

  • The highest quality and most innovative print I've ever seen. Amazing!

  • You did a great job with the framing and the packing/shipping. I buy a lot of prints from different vendors and was very impressed.

  • WellWellDone. looking forward to your further offerings i may support.

  • Great experience to buy from you. Felt like I was someone you valued as a customer. Great quality on artwork and packaging

  • Great packaging and superb frame! nice piece