three photographic prints by Gregory Crewdson

Twilight Triptych

€ 1.080

three photographic prints by Gregory Crewdson

Behind the scenes

  • three photographic prints by Gregory Crewdson photographed from above on a drying rack between tall black curtains
  • three photographic prints by Gregory Crewdson arranged on a shiny silver drying rack
  • three photographic prints by Gregory Crewdson photographed from above in the Avant Arte warehouse

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Reviews from Avant collectors

  • love the packaging of the print. superb.

  • Amazing platform and communication! Amazing art and print quality! Great service and support! Thanks!

  • im thrilled and am looking forward to purchasing another piece soon!

  • Extremely happy with the artwork but also the online insight to the production and interview with the artist. The shipping and packaging are very considered and I look forward to seeing ( & buying ) other pieces

  • We are incredibly impressed with the quality of our print and the level of professionalism of Avant Arte.

  • much better than rxpected. the print is high quality and the packaging professional

  • I absolutely love the textured details. The picture literally pops off the canvas and the floating frame encompasses those details perfectly. Amazing job by Jake Fried and the Avant Arte team! I'm excited for my next purchase.

  • Incredibly happy and impressed with the quality of what we received. Will definitely consider buying from Avante Arte again.