Chris Huen Sin Kan
1 collaboration
Chris Huen Sin Kan puts life’s fleeting moments at the centre of his work. He describes his paintings as "an accumulation of scenes from daily life", creating large scale oil paintings of his wife, children and dogs. These snatches of domesticity are mixed with scenes of the outdoors. Time and space become flexible, while day and night are combined – both seamlessly taking place across a single canvas. He paints from memory and forgoes working from sketches or photos. Instead, he uses a technique inspired by Chinese ink painting. This traditional method prioritises channelling the spirit of a subject over direct imitation, leaving areas of background blank. Huen does the same, giving space to intricate brushwork and alluding to gaps in his memories. He also replicates the texture of ink, thinning oils down with turpentine to create a calligraphic line.