Jenny Brosinski - Untitled 5

Untitled 5

€ 1.150

Jenny Brosinski - Untitled 5

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Reviews from Avant collectors

  • thank you for the breath of life you bring the art community, you are the poet laureate's of packaging and one day gods will sing your praises. i am in heaven with this purchase!

  • Top tier experience all around. The print quality is amazing, the packaging was superb, and the process was seamless. I am a huge fan of Avant Arte and I hope to continue collecting from you.

  • great experience

  • the item was some of the most professional packing i have seen outside of a museum. exceptionally well packed

  • I'm pleasantly surprised by the quality and efficiency of your service. I've purchased art from various sources before, and some are still keeping me waiting. Consequently, I'm now a big admirer of your service. Thank you!

  • appart from a incredible opportunity to own and enjoy an Ai Weiwei the packaging was exemplary. i have worked pretty much my whole life in the art and museum sector and this impressed me very much, well sone you guys 👍🏻

  • What a breathtakingly beautiful art print! What a great service!

  • Thanks again for great collaboration and looking forward to new projects and pieces for my collection.